O.k I agree, guys suffer while
trying to woe a gurl…….but thats because they always relent when she’s finally
said yes………true or false?
Yes today the guys would feel they’ve bought me over, cauz I
will be revealing somethings that might get me suspended from the sisterhood…..
Guys, you know how when you come to
her house, or hall and you send her gateman or tell a friend to help you call
her, and you’ve mentally calculated how long it’ll take for her to come down
looking all glamorous and ravishing and what not, well……..you shouldn’t have,
cos she has also calculated how long you have to wait for her ‘happening’ friends to be home and for
them to see and analyze if you are the one (but really, we really have
to stop watching all these silly Hollywood movies, that paints the perfect guy
as some tall, handsome, well spoken, fine built guy…..cos frankly, he’s already
someones guy! Besides a good number of tall Nigerian men are carrying a ‘party
pot’ in place of a stomach, and have their English stained with an accent from
their native dialect, so wake up sweetie!) and if ‘the friends’ come over and
judge against you, sorry boo, no game cos even if you try to form Bobby and Whitney love and wait, you
will sleep off in your car, waiting………that’s if you have one……..which might
actually have been why you were disqualified!.......Ha, im in serious soup for
all these top secrets. But polishing the dull side, while waiting for this, ‘no
show’, you can be sampling other gurls, cos, frankly if you are wasting woe energy on a gurl who doesn’t have a
mind of her own and whose friends make decisions for her……….goodluck Charlie!
But gurls are not always like that,
she might actually like you, as in, she might have actually been giving some
emerald, golden green light, some kain confusing signals…….dont worry I
understand, sometimes, you just don’t know what we are mean abi, yes, its all
part of the plan….we never want to appear available, you think we like how
satan used just…….3 sentences in just one appearance to convince Eve …….no way
oh, so, don’t worry, just bear with us. When next you go to see her, don’t get
all pissed and angry that she took her time, I mean, twas for you u know, I mean, she
had to, let me show you......
The moment she was told you were outside, her heart skipped
and she suddenly realized she hadn’t had her bath and that she had no clue on
what to wear, and when she finally decides on what to wear, her friend comes in and takes the
chosen dress cause it was borrowed, (not always the case oh), and then the hunt for a new dress begins
again, and in all these panicking, nature knocks, and all that butterfly effect begins to affect her, and she has to use the
bathroom for No 2 (im sure you know
what that means)………note, she still hasn’t had the bath……..fast forward 2hours
and she emerges looking all ravishing and panash and sweet and……….yes, you
forget how long you’ve waited. Fast forward again 6 months in the
‘relationship’ and if she waste as much as 20 mins, she’ll come out to meet
But wait oh, I’m sure you would have noticed that all the
while, ive been using ‘gurl’, now for a woman………mhmmmmn that’s a different ball
game oh, women don’t gat no time for no woeing, before you even get there,
she’s dressed and ready sitting quietly in her gateman's house (ok, maybe not the gateman, but she'll be ready sha), aint gat no time
for no sweet words, when she says yes, brother, she means yessss, and if she
says no, ol’boy bera delete from her space.
A woman knows what she wants and knows how to get it, a
woman…………….abeg before, I wake up to realize that I’m losing some vital organs
for revealing these let me end the keyboard tapping.